Anti Termite

Anti Termite

Termites with colonies in close proximity to houses can extend their galleries underground and make mud tubes to enter homes. The insects keep out of sight and chew their way through structural and decorative timbers, leaving the surface layers intact, as well as through cardboard, plastic and insulation materials

Their presence may become apparent when winged insects appear and swarm in the home in spring. Regular inspection of structures by a trained professional may help detect termite activity before the damage becomes substantial.

Inspection and monitoring of termites is important because termite alates (winged reproductive) may not always swarm inside a structure.

Control and extermination is a professional job involving trying to exclude the insects from the building and trying to kill those already present. Soil-applied liquid termiticides provide a chemical barrier that prevents termites from entering buildings, and lethal baits can be used; these are eaten by foraging insects, and carried back to the nest and shared with other members of the colony, which goes into slow decline.

Polycare Membrane is Anti Termite

Anti-termite treatment is a chemical process applied to soil, wood, masonry, or any structure to protect against termites. These termites improve the water content, porosity, and soil pH by recycling the dead particles, contributing more to the environment.

At the same time, these termites are harmful to human-made structures like buildings, Underground cables, Untreated timbers, etc. So, to avoid this incoming harm, anti-termite treatment is done.Application of chemical treatment to the soil layer, which is in contact with the foundation and floor structure to kill or prevent the termite’s entry, is known as pre-construction anti-termite treatment.